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Use This Simple Strategy to Make Your Dream a Reality (2380 hits)

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Peter Voogd talks about the importance of keeping the concept of your dream somewhere in your mind. Envisioning a life that is your ultimate dream can help chip away at achieving this larger goal. Voogd's main recommendations include keeping your dreams in mind, understanding that these dreams may take longer than expected and improving your circle of influence.

The concept of thinking large -- even if you may not initially believe it -- is what Voogd feels is integral to realizing your dream. Even if your inner self does not believe it, Voogd recommends keeping that dream in the back of your mind, so that you won't forget about it and can focus on it frequently.

As evidence of this method, Voogd tells his story from inside a private jet on its way to Aspen -- a set-up he never knew would be his life, but one that he envisioned for himself multiple times. By being intentional about his vision, Voogd recounts, his wildest dreams did eventually come to fruition.

Click play to hear more of Voogd's tips on achieving your dreams.

Related: How to Hire the Right People for Your First Business

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Posted By: Jiramet Boonroungkaw
Thursday, May 3rd 2018 at 2:31AM
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