These days everyone is trying to be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is the career-choice of many young people especially because of the millennial mindset. Young people are dreaming big, and they aren't particularly hungry for a job that pays little, and more interestingly most young people would prefer to be their own boss. With the advent of social media, and the heavy use by young people, the easier it has become for young up and coming entrepreneurs to market themselves, their brands, and their products. The future of entrepreneurship seems to be growing at fast rates, but why could this be? I believe the reason for this is the changing mindset in this generations youth. The Millennials are the ones calling the shots in many businesses now, and they use their influence and their strong personalities in order to grow their business ventures, and become the face of a brand all of their own. The influencers that all college kids look up to are now millennial who are influencing the future of business. These college kids are learning that they have to be the same of their business in order to sell product and make noise and build a brand for themselves. Influencers like Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian show young people how a personality, talent, and branding can build an empire for anyone. This career path although risky and hard, is a career path most appealing to young people because it feeds into their need to risk huge chances for the chance of huge gains. The growing climate of entrepreneurs will only continue because the younger generation are being influenced the same way as the millennial once were, and growing a business venture is what is on all of our minds.
Posted By: Jairo Campo
Monday, December 9th 2019 at 11:33PM
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