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Welcome to Connect Platform - The Internet's premier recruitment service for employers looking to hire African American talent. Our website is designed to help you quickly and efficiently find the ideal candidates for your employment opportunities.
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maurice muhammad just edited his profile. 11:38AM
muhammed firat ozturk just edited his profile. 05:18AM
kyle dinapoli just posted a article entitled '8 entrepreneurial skills you should teach your kids '. 05:45PM
kyle dinapoli just became a new member. 05:37PM
adrienne lam just posted a article entitled 'eleven financial fundamentals every small business ceo must know'. 05:08PM
adrienne lam just posted a article entitled 'how to improve employee wellness'. 11:25AM
paarth garg just posted a blog entitled '4 steps to growing your business now'. 11:19PM
sarah fattah just edited her profile. 10:38PM
sarah fattah just posted a article entitled 'how the vc pitch process is failing female entrepreneurs'. 09:55PM
sarah fattah just became a new member. 09:48PM
shazim chaudhary just posted a video entitled 'what to include in a business plan for your app idea'. 08:34PM
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